Business | Schumpeter

The art of the spin-off

Tips for creating new companies out of old ones

IN THE entertainment world spin-offs are the offspring of hit shows. You take popular characters and give them their own programmes, or mature franchises and give them a new twist. Thus “Friends” gave birth to “Joey” and “Are You Being Served” to “Grace and Favour”. Such spin-offs usually flop.

In business, spin-offs are the offspring of established companies. You take a division and turn it into a free-standing firm. Thus Bristol-Myers Squibb, a drug firm, spawned Zimmer, a maker of artificial joints, and Tyco, a conglomerate, sired ADT, a maker of security systems. These spin-offs have a much better record.

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline "The art of the spin-off"

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