Jun 8th 2013

The Summit


Turkey's troubles

Democrat or sultan?

Recep Tayyip Erdogan should heed Turkey’s street protesters, not dismiss them

America and China

The summit

Barack Obama and Xi Jinping have a chance to recast this century’s most important bilateral relationship

Europe’s banking union

A la carte and half-baked

Why not build a new European currency on inadequate foundations? It worked so well the first time…

Brazil’s mediocre economy

A fall from grace

How to squander an inheritance—and how easily it could be restored

Iran’s presidential election

Don’t ignore it

Good riddance to Mahmoud Ahmadinejad. The election might just bring something better



On the World Bank, entitlements, England, Arab assets, Lev Vlassenko, India, smart machines, Apple, sex, presidents


Turkey erupts

The new young Turks

Protests against Recep Tayyip Erdogan, and his ham-fisted response, have shaken his rule and his country

United States

The Mississippi Delta

Scratching a living

Barack Obama’s foreign-policy team

Action women

Judicial appointments

A lesson in packing

Crime and genetics

Won’t hurt a bit


Blown away

Our new house-price indicators


The Americas

Brazil’s disappointing economy

Stuck in the mud

Latin America’s Venezuela problem

Ostrich diplomacy

Abortion in Latin America

Miscarriages of justice

Public broadcasting in Canada

Commercial break


Pakistan’s electricity crisis

Long, hot summer

Timor-Leste and Australia

Bugs in the pipeline

Politics in Tamil Nadu

Lights, camera, election


Relations with America

Here we go again

Xi Jinping in America’s backyard

From pivot to twirl

Middle East & Africa

Iran’s presidential election

You never know

Iran and alcohol

Wet and dry

Libya’s oil

Gurgle and splutter

Driving in Nigeria

Time for a test


Urban planning in France

Global ambitions v green concerns

German politics

Princeling in trouble

Floods in central Europe


Balkan war-crimes

Winding down with a whimper


Crank up the motor


The politics of cuts

Labour gets serious

Posh fast food

On a roll

Lending beyond the banks

The new middlemen

The coalition’s statistics

Stats, spats and spads


China’s foreign ports

The new masters and commanders


Luxury goods in China

Beyond bling

Luxury in the Arab world

Would Sir like his goat wrapped?

Semiconductor makers

Bend me, shape me

Airlines in Africa

Not quite ready for take-off

Russian retailing

A Magnit for investors

Deluded bosses

Who’s behind me?

Finance & economics

Europe’s banking union

Till default do us part

EU-Chinese trade

Outlook: cloudy

The European Central Bank’s deterrent

Bench press


Out of favour

Advertising hedge funds

Bull marketing

Hank Greenberg

The people v Hank

America’s non-banks

The anointed

Free exchange

Shocks and ores

Science & technology

Cancer therapy

Checkpoint Charlie


A heroic find

Academic publishing

Peer to peer

Planetary science

Lost and found

Books & arts

Contemporary art

The artistic solution

Modern America

So many troubles

Hedge funds

Full of hot air

Lord Sainsbury on government

Sensible chap

Economic & financial indicators
