Finance and economics | Buttonwood

Take your pick

The key to stockmarket success is avoiding the worst sectors

THE collapse in the oil price is a useful reminder for investors that it helps to pick the right industries. As of December 2nd, global energy stocks were down 8.7% on the year, lagging nearly 31 percentage points behind returns in the best-performing sector of the year, health care.

This divergence between sectors is relatively mild by historical standards. In 2013 there was almost a 39-point gap between the best performer, retailing, and the worst performer, materials, a portmanteau category covering miners, chemical manufacturers and the paper and packaging industry. Robert Buckland, an equity strategist at Citigroup, says that big relative moves among sectors tend to be a function of volatility, and 2014 has been a reasonably calm year.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline "Take your pick"

Sheikhs v shale

From the December 6th 2014 edition

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