Business | The cannabis business

Here come the suits, man

A once-shunned industry is turning respectable

D’you think he’s a real cop?

EVERY stoner has been there. You are sprawled on the couch, smoking trees of the finest Super Lemon Haze, when the phone rings: a friend needs picking up from the station. Happily, help is on the way: pop a Buzzkill, one of several products in development by the masterminds at Hudson Nutraceuticals, and the metabolising of tetrahydrocannabinol in your liver is accelerated, helping you sober up.

Such is the claim of Mike Schreibman, a former NBC executive who co-founded Hudson last summer. He understood he was on to something, he says, when he ate too much cannabis-infused chocolate sauce one day and realised he would do anything to stop the room from spinning.

This article appeared in the Business section of the print edition under the headline "Here come the suits, man"

The new face of terror

From the September 28th 2013 edition

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