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Ebola's spread

The current Ebola outbreak is the worst on record

By R.L.W., A.C.M. and L.P.

The current Ebola outbreak is the worst on record

LIBERIA has closed most of its borders, banned public gatherings and announced quarantines of some communities in an effort to contain an outbreak of the Ebola virus. So far this year there have been 1,201 confirmed, suspected or probable cases of the disease in west Africa. Over 670 people have died. Ebola has no vaccine or cure, and kills up to 90% of those infected. It is transmitted to people by wild animals or by other infected patients. Fruit bats, often eaten by people living in West Africa, are thought to be a host for the virus, which starts with flu-like symptoms but can impair kidney and liver function, and in severe cases damages blood cells, leading to external and internal bleeding.

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