Leaders | Ebola and big data

Call for help

Mobile-phone records are an invaluable tool to combat Ebola. They should be made available to researchers

WITH at least 4,500 people dead, public-health authorities in west Africa and worldwide are struggling to contain Ebola. Borders have been closed, air passengers screened, schools suspended. But a promising tool for epidemiologists lies unused: mobile-phone data.

When people make mobile-phone calls, the network generates a call data record (CDR) containing such information as the phone numbers of the caller and receiver, the time of the call and the tower that handled it—which gives a rough indication of the device’s location. This information provides researchers with an insight into mobility patterns. Indeed phone companies use these data to decide where to build base stations and thus improve their networks, and city planners use them to identify places to extend public transport.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline "Call for help"

Europe’s economy

From the October 25th 2014 edition

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