Leaders | America after the mid-terms

Welcome back to Washington

Republicans have won a huge victory. Now they must learn to compromise

OPINION polls before the mid-term elections on November 4th suggested Barack Obama’s party would be beaten, but this was a thrashing. Republicans captured the Senate easily (see article) and their majority in the House of Representatives is now the biggest it has been in most Americans’ lifetimes. A Republican candidate in New York was indicted for 20 counts of fraud, but won anyway.

Close-up, the results are even worse for Democrats. They thought they could bin a bunch of tax-cutting, union-bashing Republican governors, but nearly all survived. Instead, Republicans captured governorships in solidly Democratic states like Maryland and Massachusetts.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline "Welcome back to Washington"

Welcome back to Washington

From the November 8th 2014 edition

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