Science & technology | Marine pollution
Charting the plastic waters
The amount of plastic in the sea is huge and widely spread

This article appeared in the Science & technology section of the print edition under the headline “Charting the plastic waters”

From the December 13th 2014 edition
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Ukraine’s embrace of drone warfare has paid off
Two new reports highlight strengths as well as weaknesses

The race is on to build the world’s most complex machine
But toppling ASML will not be easy

Want even tinier chips? Use a particle accelerator
High-speed electrons can etch nano-scale designs
Is butter bad for you?
A new study suggests olive oil may be a healthier alternative
Two private companies reach the Moon within four days
Though Firefly Aerospace has had better luck than Intuitive Machines
Satellites are polluting the stratosphere
And forthcoming mega-constellations will exacerbate the problem