Middle East and Africa | Long walk to financial ruin

In South Africa, more people have loans than jobs

Household debt is hobbling the black middle class

Buy now, default later

SOUTH AFRICANS have dubbed this month “Janu-worry”. After Christmas and the summer holidays come the bills. A popular classified-advertising website is full of pleas for help. “Mashonisa [loan shark] urgently needed,” says a typical post. “No scammers.” Radio call-in shows offer catharsis and survival tips.

The rest of the year is tough on pocketbooks too. South Africans are the world’s most avid borrowers, according to the World Bank. A study published in 2014 showed that 86% had borrowed money in the previous year (see chart).

This article appeared in the Middle East & Africa section of the print edition under the headline "Keeping up with the Khumalos"

The new titans and how to tame them

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