Leaders | Hillary Clinton’s plans for the economy

Can she fix it?

Hillary Clinton has the Democratic nomination within her grasp. She needs bolder ideas on what to do with it

SOMETIMES relief makes triumph all the sweeter. That is how Hillary Clinton must feel after this week’s Democratic primary in New York, when she broke a losing streak by beating Bernie Sanders handily. She is now almost certain to be her party’s presidential candidate in November. After a 50-year slog through American politics, even the cautious Mrs Clinton was emboldened to declare that “Victory is in sight!”

Mrs Clinton is experienced. In an age of extremes she has remained resolutely centrist. Yet, rather than thrilling to the promise of taking the White House or of electing America’s first woman president, many Democrats seem joyless.

This article appeared in the Leaders section of the print edition under the headline "Can she fix it?"

Could she fix it? Hillary Clinton and the American economy

From the April 23rd 2016 edition

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