Obituary | Shark of Persia

Obituary: Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani died on January 8th

The Iranian politician was 82

IN DEATH as in life, Akbar Hashemi Rafsanjani defied categorisation. He was a stalwart of a regime dubbed an exporter of terror and heresy. Yet regional arch-foes such as Bahrain and Saudi Arabia mourned his passing, as did the Great Satan itself, via a State Department press briefing. At home, embattled reformists felt they had lost their prime protector.

Ruthless guile was his hallmark. During his early years in power, the death penalty was applied freely to dissidents, communists, Kurds and Bahais. Foreign countries blamed Mr Rafsanjani for ordering murders of émigrés in Paris, Berlin and Geneva, and terrorist attacks on a Jewish cultural centre in Buenos Aires in 1994 and on American forces in Saudi Arabia in 1996.

This article appeared in the Obituary section of the print edition under the headline "Shark of Persia"

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