Science and technology | Experimental psychology

The roar of the crowd

Crowdsourcing is transforming the science of psychology

ACCORDING to Joseph Henrich and his colleagues at the University of British Columbia, most undergraduates are WEIRD. Those who teach them might well agree. But Dr Henrich did not intend the term as an insult when he popularised it in a paper published in Behavioral and Brain Sciences in 2010. Instead, he was proposing an acronym: Western, Educated, Industrialised, Rich and Democratic.

One reason these things matter is that undergraduates are also psychology's laboratory rats. Incentivised by rewards, in the form of money or course credits, they will do the human equivalents of running mazes and pressing the levers in Skinner boxes until the cows come home.

This article appeared in the Science & technology section of the print edition under the headline "The roar of the crowd"

Europe’s choice

From the May 26th 2012 edition

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