Asia | Banyan

Friends like these

Why China may worry about North Korea just as much as America does

SUCH reports have been heard before and smack of wishful thinking. But there are more reasons than usual to believe China's promises that it is trying to rein in its unruly, pugnacious little ally, North Korea. South Korea's president, Lee Myung-bak, has said that China has promised not to side with North Korea if it stages further provocations towards the South. That would be a big shift. Last year China failed to condemn either the sinking by North Korea of a South Korean naval vessel in March, or the shelling in November of a South Korean island. Now Chinese scholars and officials do indeed seem to be sending strong signals to North Korea that enough is enough.

This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline "Friends like these"

The end of the Space Age

From the July 2nd 2011 edition

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