Finance and economics | Investment and lobbying

Money and politics

Ask what your country can do for you

|New york

MUCH as some businesses whine about government intrusion, others do pretty well out of it. An index based on the amount of lobbying that American firms do has outperformed the broader market since its creation in 2008; data going back to 1998 show that it has done better over the longer term, too.

The index is produced by Strategas, an investment-research firm. A first effort, to rank firms on the amount they spend on lobbying, was no use: it just corresponded with the largest firms. Strategas now looks at the intensity of lobbying—expenditure as a percentage of assets—to create an index of 50 firms that is revised quarterly.

This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline "Money and politics"

Many miles to go

From the October 1st 2011 edition

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