Christmas Specials | Sex and advertising

Retail therapy

How Ernest Dichter, an acolyte of Sigmund Freud, revolutionised marketing

From Vienna to New York

THESE are thrilling days for behavioural research. Every week seems to yield a new discovery about how bad people are at making decisions. Humans, it turns out, are impressionable, emotional and irrational. We buy things we don't need, often at arbitrary prices and for silly reasons. Studies show that when a store plays soothing music, shoppers will linger for longer and often spend more. If customers are in a good mood, they are more susceptible to persuasion. We believe price tends to indicate the value of things, not the other way around. And many people will squander valuable time to get something free.

This article appeared in the Christmas Specials section of the print edition under the headline "Retail therapy"

A comedy of euros

From the December 17th 2011 edition

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