Asia | Banyan

How two Korean cults measure up against covid-19

The “promised pastor” v the god-king of Pyongyang

CULTS AND coronavirus do not mix—or perhaps mix only too well. Take South Korea which, until recently overtaken by Italy, had the highest number of covid-19 infections outside China. Of 7,869 diagnosed cases, three-fifths trace back to a sect called the Shincheonji Church of Jesus.

Shincheonji’s 88-year-old founder, Lee Man-hee, is said to descend from ancient Korean kings. As the “Promised Pastor”, he is uniquely able to interpret the Book of Revelation and to foresee the apocalypse it describes. He will take 144,000 followers with him to Heaven on the Day of Judgment, apparently.

This article appeared in the Asia section of the print edition under the headline "Apocalypse, but no deliverance"

The politics of pandemics

From the March 14th 2020 edition

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