The Americas | A menacing May Day

Planned strikes are the latest challenge to Mauricio Macri

Trade unions are making more trouble for Argentina’s embattled president

|Buenos Aires

THIS WEEK Argentine trade unions opposed to the government of Mauricio Macri will try to bring the country to a halt. On April 30th they plan to shut down flights, the metro in Buenos Aires, banks and schools. Even hospitals will run reduced “Sunday services”. On the following day, a holiday, unions will lead a rally at the presidential palace, joined by politicians from the Peronist opposition party.

“This strike is a demonstration of repudiation by our society of a government which has produced hunger, misery, unemployment and indebtedness,” declared Hugo Moyano, the boss of the truckers’ union, in a radio interview over the weekend. Union leaders called for a “complete rejection of the government’s economic policy”.

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