China | America’s election, viewed from Beijing

How scared is China of Donald Trump’s return?

60% tariffs are a danger, yet some Chinese nationalists are cheering him on

Collage featuring Xi in the middle, with Trump and Biden on each side.
Illustration: Alicia Tatone

IF YOU WANT to get a sense of how China feels about the prospect of Donald Trump winning America’s presidential election, Chinese social media offers some revealing signals. In the past few weeks it has begun to boil over with fury and mockery. The prospect of American tariffs of over 60% on Chinese imports? “Add even more,” rages one online commentator in the mainland. “I’d be curious to see how ordinary Americans would live.” Others think Mr Trump would increase the odds of a war. The world will “never be at peace” with him around, reckons another netizen. “This old madman is too vicious,” says a third. “He must be annihilated.”

It is not just online: the prospect of a Trump victory is the subject of debate among China’s elite, too. They fear his return to the White House would lead to an even hotter trade war, with potentially vast economic costs. But they also believe his contempt for alliances (witness the latest outburst against NATO) could yield huge propaganda gains and undermine the American-led security system in Asia, freeing China to act as it pleases on Taiwan and more. Some Chinese nationalists are cheering his successes and call him Comrade Chuan Jianguo: Chuan being a common rendering of Mr Trump’s surname, and Jianguo meaning “build the country”. It is a way of suggesting that Mr Trump’s excesses make China stronger.

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This article appeared in the China section of the print edition under the headline "Sleepy King v Comrade Chuan"

Is Europe ready?

From the February 24th 2024 edition

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