Can the world cope without Russia’s huge commodity stash?
High prices will outlast the war

IN 1866 NIKOLAI NEKRASOV, a Russian author, started publishing “Who is happy in Russia”, a four-part poem describing how the abolition of serfdom, enacted a few years before, had failed to enrich most peasants. “The chain has been broken,” its first chapter concludes, and the recoiling ends have hit both sides at once.
This article appeared in the Finance & economics section of the print edition under the headline “Barrelled over”
Finance & economics
March 12th 2022- Can the world cope without Russia’s huge commodity stash?
- War in Ukraine will cripple global food markets
- Russia looks to Chinese financial plumbing to keep money flowing
- Western credit markets are holding up remarkably well
- Iran’s flourishing stockmarket reflects its resilient economy
- Our crony-capitalism index offers a window into Russia’s billionaire wealth
- How oil shocks have become less shocking

From the March 12th 2022 edition
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