Podcasts | The Economist Asks: Henry Kissinger

How should leaders deal with today’s great global standoff?

We ask Henry Kissinger, the former US secretary of state and national security adviser, who served in the Nixon and Ford administrations

HOW DOES the best-known veteran of foreign policy view the great global standoff today? Henry Kissinger is a titan of US politics—as Secretary of State and National Security Adviser in the Nixon and Ford administrations he brokered detente with the Soviet Union and orchestrated a breakthrough presidential visit to China in 1972. Incumbents have sought his insight long after he left the White House. Anne McElvoy asks him about the current threats to world order, how to handle Vladimir Putin and Xi Jinping and what he would have done differently in office. And, following an Economist advert, are plane companions ever too inhibited to talk to him? Runtime: 42 min

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